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Sermons and Teaching Topics:



Don't Miss Out On These...

Biblical Teaching by

Rabbi Robert I. Solomon


Jeffery Blalock


Call For An Appointment Today!

Teachings on various subjects, such as:



"Israel, the Church End Time Prophecy"

(click to listen)

Gain insight into God's plan for Israel and the Church, while learning about your Jewish roots and heritage. Significant prophetic teaching on God's plan for Israel, how it is being fulfilled today, and the implications for believers worldwide.



"Israel, Palestine and the Middle East"

Find out what God has to say about the conflict between the Palestinians (Arabs) and the Jewish People. Scripture has a lot to say on this subject. The beginning of this conflict, and the ending of it, comes as no surprise to those who study the Scriptures. God has commanded the nations of the world to comfort His people. Those who bless Israel shall be blessed. Those who curse her (or seek to divide her) shall be cursed.



"Messiah and the Passover" (Seder Demonstration)

This teaching demonstrates a beautiful picture of how the pieces of God's salvation plan fits together and how the elements used in the Passover Seder point toward the Messiah. The presentation culminates in an explanation of how the Lord's Supper was a Passover celebration. Many pastors choose to use this as an occasion for a very special celebration of the Lord's Supper.



Celebrating the Biblical Feasts of the Lord

The Feasts of the Bible are rich with significance. Some are joyful, some solemn, but all point to Messiah. Understanding the meaning of these Feasts and learning to celebrate them can enrich the lives and experiences of all believers.



Why and How to Witness to the Jewish People

God still has a plan and a purpose for His chosen people. He has also commanded us to minister and witness to the Jewish people. This teaching will assist you in understanding your role in God's plan for bringing His people to Him.



Personal Testimonies

Hear how God is opening the hearts of Jewish people and how He is revealing Himself once again to His chosen people.



 To hear any of these biblical and inspiring teachings

please contact Jeffery Blalock at

(770) 641- 3000 Ext.6






Yachad Ministries
950 Pine Grove Road
Roswell, GA 30075
Phone: (770) 641-3000 Ext.6